
UPC Videos

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UPC update online seminar series:

UPC Update 22.05.2024
  • Decisions

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UPC Update 20.03.2024
  • Decisions

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UPC Update 24.01.2024
  • Decisions

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UPC Update 30.11.2023
  • Decisions

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UPC Update 21.09.2023

Preliminary injunction proceedings

  • Case study myStromer AG ./. Revolt Zycling AG
  • Preliminary injunctions
  • Formulation of the application
  • Enforcement
  • Procedural iquestions

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UPC countdown online seminar series:

Practical and strategic questions about the launch of UPC
  • Unitary patent and choice of law for license agreements
  • Unitary patent and consideration of the national state of the art
  • Exceptions to the prohibition of double protection

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Insight into the case management system
  • CMS stucture
  • How to access the CMS
  • Requirements for accessing and signing pleadings
  • Opt-Out in action

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Process tactical questions
  • Long-arm jurisdiction
  • Isolated action for annulment
  • Expert opinion

Please note: Unfortunately, there were sound problems with this recording, therefore we cannot make the online seminar available afterwards.

UPC online seminar series – preparation phase:

UPC overview
  • Overview of current developments and next steps
  • Litigation under the UPC: The structure and usual course of proceedings
  • Pros and cons of the opt-out: Tactical and strategic considerations on the corporate side

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Substantive law in the UPC Agreement
  • Application of the substantive provisions of the UPC Agreement to national proceedings
  • Differences to national German law, in particular indirect patent infringement
  • Discretionary decisions of the court on claims of the patent proprietor, in particular on injunctive relief
  • Statute of limitations

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Preparing the action
  • Pre-litigation phase
  • Communication of the representatives
  • Necessity and procurement of evidence
  • Contents of the statement of claim
  • Language of proceedings, Art. 49-51 UPC Agreement

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General rules of procedure
  • General rules of procedure (case management, Rules 331 et seq.)
  • Amendment of action, R. 263, Right to be heard, Rule 264, Withdrawal of action, Rule 265
  • Joinder and separation of proceedings
  • Majority of parties

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Statement of defense, interim procedure, oral proceedings
  • Designation and tasks of the Judge Rapporteur
  • Preliminary objections and their procedural treatment
  • Statement of defense and counterclaim for a declaration of invalidity
  • Options of the Board for deciding on invalidity, Art. 33(3) UPC Agreement
  • Assignment of a technical judge, Rules 33, 34 and 37
  • Interlocutory proceedings and oral proceedings in detail

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Special types of proceedings
  • Default judgment
  • Interim injunction proceedings
  • Isolated action for annulment
  • Negative declaratory action
  • Appeal and complaint proceedings
  • Action for restitution

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Enforcement of UPC decisions, costs of the proceedings
  • Enforcement of decisions
  • Original powers of the UPC
  • Appropriateness of penalty payments
  • Costs of the proceedings
  • Limitation of recoverable costs
  • Assessment of fees according to the amount in dispute

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Sample set of motions
  • Formulation of the request for injunctive relief
  • Scope of information, recall, destruction
  • Regular provision of security?
  • Amount of provisional compensation for damages, R. 119

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Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding proceedings at the UPC, please do not hesitate to contact us.
